Do You Need a Weight Distribution Hitch When Towing a Trailer?
Author: Carasel Date Posted:17 January 2023
Never heard the words "Weight Distribution Hitch" or thought "Do I need One" then we can explain to you what this does and how it can help your towing. A weight distribution hitch is an essential piece of equipment when you are towing a long, heavy caravan or camp trailer behind you.
When Do I Need To Install A Weight Distribution Hitch?
If you are towing a long or heavy caravan or camp trailer, the chances are you will need a weight distribution hitch for the tow vehicle to tow smoothly when the vehicle weighs less than the load you are towing. The hitch allows you an even and smooth drive while you are towing when connected to the tow vehicle. If you are unsure if you need one or not you can call or pop into Carasel, your towing specialists, who can assist in expanding your knowledge on what you need. We have helpful team members at their Moorebank and Seven Hills sights that can offer you advice.
Common Uses for a Weight Distribution Hitch
A Weight Distribution Hitch for a Caravan is needed when the caravan weighs more than the towing vehicle. The best way in knowing if you need this, is to measure the front and rear heights of the vehicle across the wheel arches (when unloaded) and the (level) front and rear heights of the caravan.
The weight distribution not only relies on the distribution hitch across the vehicle and the tow trailer as this when connected correctly makes the vehicle and the tow load evenly spread for height on the road but this is vitally essential for a smooth ride on the road.
Another reason for this hitch is that is also relies on the person towing the vehicle to make sure all the contents inside the caravan or camp trailer are evenly distributed and not left at the front or back of the van.
What to Know When Using a Weight Distribution Hitch
When towing with a weight distribution hitch for a caravan you will notice a much smoother and balanced drive. This does not mean you are free to load the trailer and vehicle incorrectly and not expect any issues or consequences. The weight distribution hitch must be used in conjunction with the correct load distribution method to ensure that the caravan or camper trailer is evenly distributed across both the tow vehicle and its hitch. If load distribution is not correct, you may have issues when towing, such as a cracked or broken tow bar or damaged/rotten tow bar brackets, damaged shock absorbers, etc. This can prove to be a very costly error.
When loading you need to ensure the heaviest items are sitting over the axel and balance the weight evenly. Uneven loads will cause you to have trouble driving or reduce the smooth drive and cause the caravan to sway.
Choosing a Weight Distribution Hitch
Weight distribution hitches assist in giving you a smooth and easy towing experience even though you are towing a caravan or camper trailer. By ensuring the weight of the caravan is evenly distributed across the vehicle and its hitch you will ensure that there is little resistance while driving.
Choosing the right hitch depends on a few things:
1. How much weight does your caravan put on your tow ball?
Some caravans and camp trailers have a ball load weight written on the compliance plate. You should check there first, unfortunately, if this is not present you will need to weight the van yourself. Knowing the ball weight is essential not just for towing but if the load you will carry is different at times when you have the van out you will need to make sure it is always spread evenly with the weight across the load. In fact, a ball weight of 10% of the vans fully loaded weight is actually considered ideal.
You can purchase a Tow Ball Scale that can be used every time you tow to make sure you are not overweight when you are towing.
2. The Space On Your Caravan's A-Frame
Weight distribution Hitches have 2 options in bar lengths.
A) 30 inch standard bars
B) 28 inch bars that are handy if you have something interfering your A-Frame such as a jockey wheel. Both have the same weight ratings
In some of the older caravans or camp trailers, you may need to relocate the jockey wheel clamp.
3. Types of Brakes on Your Caravan or Camp Trailer
If you have installed an electric brakes system, you can install any kind of weight distribution Hitch. The hitch will prevent manual override and allow brakes to work correctly. This means you can still use the hitch, but you may need to brake harder. The styles with chains will work, provided the chain is not too short when put under pressure, you should check this first before setting off on a journey.
4. Is Your Tow Vehicle Higher Than Normal?
You often forget about the height of your vehicle, and this can also impact on your towing ability. If this is the case, you will be needing an adjustable tow ball mount that allows the tow ball to be set up higher or lower in order to maintain an even tow and not place pressure on the tow ball.
There is sadly no adjustment for smaller hitches but once you get over 150kg rating they generally come standard with adjustment for the height. There is an adjustable tow ball mount that can be sourced and used with lower rated kits. Speak to the team at Carasel for all advice related to your towing we will make sure you are set up ideally for the vehicle you are towing with.
5. Is The A-Frame on your Caravan or Camp Trailer Deeper Than 100mm?
Traditional Weight Distribution Hitches were designed to suit 100mm deep A-Frame and allowed for normal turning circles with the hitch left connected. With newer caravans A-Frames are being made deeper with 150mm deep steel, some manufacturers recess the coupling to make clearance for this.
6, Selecting the Correct Shank
Carasel Towbars friendly team will have access to the correct shank based on your requirement. We will see what is the best option for you is. We will let you know what we have available and if needed demonstrate to you how the shank works for the caravan or camp trailer you intend to tow with your towbar.
If you are still unsure of anything related to towing call into our Seven Hills or Moorebank stores and a team member will be able to assist you in making the correct choices to get you connected and ready to head out towing and making memories in your caravan or camp trailer.